Sunday, September 21, 2014



Jnanendra Mohan Saha in youth days.
 An active Social worker, Former Vice-Chairman of Kharupetia Town, Ward Commissioner of Ward No.3 of several terms,Former President of Managing Committee, Saila Bala High School & Central Town L.P.School, Founder Member of Milan Sangha (at Present Mitali Sangha) respected JNANENDRA MOHA SAHA is no more among us. He died on 10th September, 2014, Wednesday at about 6 p.m. in the evening at his own residence in Ward No.3 near Central Town L.P. School leaving 4 sons and four daughters.
His short life History
Jnanendra Mohan Saha is taking oath from the Judicial Magistrate as the Member of KTC
        Jnanendra Mohan Saha wan born in the year 1920 at Shaturia, Dist. Dhaka, Sub-Division - Maymansing in undivided India in present Bangadesh. He was the eldest son of Radhika Lal Saha and Phanibana Saha. He has another two brothers also. He studied in Saturia School upto 9th Standard and then came to Assam in the Year - 1948 and started cloth selling business at first. Then he did Fariamy business (purchase of Agricultural products in weekly market and export them out of this place. Then he involved in Tobacco business. He was a well established businessman. The he set up a rice mill also.
Jnanendra Mohan Saha and his wife Smt. Durga Rani Saha
He got married with Mrs. Durga Rani Saha, The three sons and three daughters born in his family. Besides running his business, he was interested in doing social works. He had gone in everyone's house if he heard any kind of problem of them. He lived in a joined family with his other three brothers, their wives , children daughter, son-in-law, grand sons etc.

Kharupetia Town Committee was established in the Year- 1960 and he became the member of the first body (Adhoc Committee) . First election of Kharupetia Town Committee was held in the Year 1962 and he had elected as Ward Commissioner of Ward No.3. In the next elected body of K.T.C. he become the Vice-Chairman when Chairman was respected Ram Narayan Choudhury (Rambabu). In election of 1972 he was elected as Ward Commissioner again. In the next body of K.T.C. he became Vice-Chairman again in the year - 1976 when Chairman was Md. Dungarmal Jain and remain in the post upto 1982. He again became Vice-Chairman of Kharupetia Town Committee in the Year 1983 with the Chairman Sri Fateh Chan Saowgi in the Ad-hoc Committee. From 1992 to 1996 he was the Ward Commissioner of Ward No.3. He became the president of the Managing Committee of Sailabala High School in the 1985 along with the President of Managing Committee of Kharupetia Town Girls High School. He also the Member of Kharupetia Agriculture Marketing Board for two terms. 

Jnanendra Mohan Saha with then Chairman of KTC Srijut Fateh Chan Sarowgi in a meeting.
He once again became the Ward Commissioner for the period 2005 to 2008. He also president of the Managing Committee of Dhaniram L.P. School and Central Town L.P. School. As the president of the managing Committee of the schools he made a number of developmental works for them. Gour Chandra Saha (Prop. of Malay Bidi Co.) was he beloved friend. Gour Ch. Saha and Jnanendra Mohan Saha established Kharupetia Town Girls' High School and Milan Sangha ( at present Mitali Sangha) for the development of the education of girls and inspiring youths for social works respectively. For his utmost effort Tapoban M.E. School was provincialised.

Jnanendra Mohan Saha in t Uttar Kharupetia Sarbojanin Durga Puja Pandal. He is the founder of this Puja Committee
He was a man ever time smiling face, gentle behaviour and sweet voice. So the people of Kharupetia and its locality called him "Gnyan Babu". He involved himself in every problem of the public and he never disappointed any person who came to him for help.

Jnanenra Mohan Saha with his family members in his Joint Family.
I saw him to wander in the streets of the different wards for knowing the condition of roads, drains, problems of the residents. I also  saw him to involve him in the relief camp of Tapoban M.E. School and Sailabala High School for the distribution of reliefs among the refugees take shelter in them at the time of flood and different disturbance. He was ready to extend his helping hands for the public.In the last body of Kharupetia Town is youngest daughter in law (wife of Dulan) became the Vice-Chairman of Kharupeti Town Committee.
Jnanendra Mohan Saha is in the first Puja of Uttar Kharupetia Durga Puja committee's Pandal
May God keep his soul in peace and heave, it is my conclusion prayer for him.